Jul 21, 2006

Where are we going?

It was my understanding that the humans on this planet have reached a level of civilization and understanding that we would never go back to the old times. By old times I mean when it was ‘ok’ to kill anyone for anything as long as you could justify it to yourself. But I think my understanding was wrong, the world has become even more ignorant, we are not willing to leave the boundaries of ignorance and hatred we have built around us. While the west flourishes in latest knowledge and know how of everything from atoms to humanity itself the rest of the world continues to dig deeper and deeper into the darkness. The latest conflict in Middle East between Lebanon and Israel is a new testament to us. I am not going to dig into the political dimensions of this issue, because there are plenty of people out there doing that. What breaks my heart is to see children getting killed in Nazareth to dead bodies lying in the morgue in Lebanon. Everyone is justifying there side of the story, but it does not change the fact that the majority of people how are actually being killed have nothing to do the actual conflict. Most have them probably have never even touched a handgun. But both sides are terming it as collateral damage or collective punishment. It just does not end over there, the rest of the world leaders from whom we would expect more maturity are more concerned with being politically correct and making sure that their long term benefits don’t get hurt. We as humans should be ashamed of ourselves to reach at this point today. It was enough that this killing was going on in Iraq, then came Sudan where refugees are being slaughtered for political reasons and now comes the Israel-Lebanon conflict. Although I am a firm believer in God but sometimes this breaks me to the point where I have to sit and pause for a moment and say ‘God if you are really there why are you letting this to happen to your own people?’. Are we just going to sit around while the politicians get the politics straightened out and what if they don’t, will we just let more people being killed in the meantime?