Aug 11, 2006

Made in America

Immigrants have long been criticized for being a burden on the health care system and taking away the jobs from American citizens. But numerous studies have proved other wise. One recent study published by the Pew Hispanic Center proves that the immigrants are not taking jobs away from the citizens of this country, instead the job loss can be related to the economic fluctuations. Following are the excerpts from the study published in the Washington Post:
The Pew Hispanic Center analyzed immigration state by state using U.S. Census data, evaluating it against unemployment levels. No clear correlation between the two could be found.
Other factors, such as economic growth, have likely played a larger role in influencing the American job market.

Between 1990 and 2000, he said, immigrant workers did not take jobs away from American workers "because the strong economy was creating enough jobs to employ everyone who was looking for work." But in the past five years, a subset of the workforce -- native-born men age 16 to 24 with high-school diplomas -- have in fact been displaced by immigrants, he said.

It is true though that the immigrants have taken some low paying jobs away from the American citizens since they could not compete in the highly skilled professions. But here is an idea, loosing your job to an immigrant who lives next door and pays into the tax system is better than loosing it to Beijing and then purchasing it from them, after all if the immigrant makes it, it can be labeled 'Made in America'.