Aug 10, 2006

"War with Islamic fascists"

Bush in his recent remarks used the term 'war with Islamic fascists'. Is there something wrong with this term, yes there is. When in a white neighborhood a few black people are caught doing an illegal activity no one ever says 'drive against blacks' even though they are all blacks. If there is racist rally going on by the Ku Klux clan no one ever says put an end to 'racist whites' even though they are all white people in the rally. So lets suppose that 'all' terrorist acts are committed by Muslims (even thought that is in now way true) why use the term 'Islamic fascists'?

One thing that is always forgotten is that terrorism has no religion. The statement does not sound right because apparently it looks that the act was committed in the name of religion and by the believers of that religion. But the statement is true when you consider that the victims of the terrorism will be of all religions, races, nationalities and ethnic origins. Just take a look at this breakdown of the 911 victims.

So are we just trying to make our job easy by using the term 'Islamic fascists'.
"The problem with the phrase is it attaches the religion of Islam to tyranny and fascism, rather than isolating the threat to a specific group of individuals," said Edina Lekovic, spokeswoman for the Muslim Public Affairs Council in Los Angeles. She said the terms cast suspicions on all Muslims, even the vast majority who want to live in safety like other Americans.

Mohamed Elibiary, a Texas-based Muslim activist, said he was upset by the president's latest comments because he was concerned they would stir up resentment of Muslims in America. "We've got Osama bin Laden hijacking the religion in order to define it one way. ... We feel the president and anyone who's using these kinds of terminologies is hijacking it too from a different side," he said. "The president's use of the language is going to ratchet up the hate meter, but I think it would have caused much more damage if he had done this after 9/11," Elibiary said.